Sign the Charter
Step forward now and sign the charter. Be a part of the change you want to see in your community and country. Together we can make a difference, and that difference begins with a commitment to a violence free Canada.
Violence Prevention Charter Commitment
We therefore declare our commitment and intent to work in partnership towards achieving a just and peaceful country free of all forms of violence. We recognize that this commitment has real implications for our policies, programs, practices and actions. Our willingness to make this commitment indicates our sense of collective and personal responsibility for the present and future health, social and economic well being of Canadians.
Action Steps:
- Read the sample commitments from partners in this initiative.
- Identify actions you will take to fulfill your commitment to violence prevention.
- Sign your pledge below.
- Share the Charter on social media, spread the word. Make your voice heard.
Sign the Violence Prevention Charter
Please note, your address and email information will not be shared.©
Prevention of Violence Canada Commitments
- I/We support the call for a national action plan for violence prevention.
I/We support the goals of Prevention of Violence Canada-Prévention de la Violence Canada to adopt a public health approach to violence prevention,that addresses risk and protective factors at the individual, family or interpersonal, community and societal levels.
I/We support coordination of our efforts and the integration of violence prevention strategies.
- I/We support the safety of all people in Canada wherever they live, work and play, the rights of victims, the prevention of self harm and suicide and the promotion of peace.
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Violence Prevention Charter Commitment
We therefore declare our commitment and intent to work in partnership towards achieving a just and peaceful country free of all forms of violence. We recognize that this commitment has real implications for our policies, programs, practices and actions. Our willingness to make this commitment indicates our sense of collective and personal responsibility for the present and future health, social and economic well being of Canadians.
This is to certify that on the
11 th day of September, in the year 2024
Shannon Turner
Signed the Violence Prevention Charter and committed to the following actions to build a Canada free of violence.
Shannon Turner
Signed the Violence Prevention Charter and committed to the following actions to build a Canada free of violence.
pursuing the WHO recommendations for a violence free canada